Dana Fanslow, Library Director,
Yoni Nielson, Assistant to the Director/Bookkeeper

Patron Services 
Kristine Ozyuk, Adult Services and Circulation Manager,
Nina Tackett, Adult Programmer
Linda Spence, Senior Patron Services Assistant
Barb Fiebelkorn, Patron Services Assistant
Julie Lueck, Patron Services Assistant

Youth Services
Ash Lee Simons, Youth Services Manager,
Cindy Johnston, Youth Programmer
Thea Walker, Youth Programmer
Jane Larson, Youth Programmer
Emily Nicol, Youth Services Clerk

IL Public Act 97-609 Total Compensation Report for Nippersink Public Library District – Fiscal Year 7/1/23 – 6/30/24

Illinois Public Act 97-609 is an amendment to the Open Meetings Act that requires employees participating in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund to post the total compensation package for each employee having a total compensation that is expected to exceed $75,000 per year. Total compensation is defined as payment by the employer to the employee for salary, bonuses, health insurance, as well as any loans and housing, vehicle and clothing allowances. It also includes vacation days granted and sick days granted.

Name and Title Salary Health Ins. Vacation Days Granted Sick Days Granted Total
Dana Fanslow
Library Director
$81,000 $9,710.40* 22** 12** $90,710.40

*Health Insurance premiums are not paid directly to the employee, but are paid to the library’s insurance provider, currently LIMRiCC.

**Vacation Days and Sick days are in lieu of salary, not in addition to salary.

***The library provides no compensation in the form of bonuses, loans, housing, vehicle or clothing allowances.